Friday 27 January 2012

Deforestation is increasing/Savanna/Sher Shah Suri and Humayun

 Pakistan has highest deforestation rate in Asia
COMMEMORATED every year on June 5, since 1972, the World Environment Day is a principal vehicle through which the awareness of the environment is stimulated across the world.

It was started by the United Nations General Assembly in 1972 and is hosted every year by different countries with a different theme. It was the first occasion on which the political, social and economic problems of the global environment were discussed at an intergovernmental forum with a view to actually taking corrective action.

The World Environment Day is an opportunity for us all to be involved in something which is critical for our shared future and work in a coordinated manner to empower us all to play an active role in protecting our environment.

The theme of the World Environment Day 2011, in support of the UN International Year of Forests (IYF), is “Forests: Nature at Your Service” a theme that encompasses the issues of deforestation and need to protect green spaces. It also underscores the variety of life-sustaining services that forests provide and calls for action to protect these resources and move towards a green economy. 

The environment day is observed every year to highlight troubles and issues pertaining the environment, and how issues like poverty, economy and health are essentially linked to environmental degradation. This year’s theme, forests, harbours the world’s most precious natural resources and communities. These resources are utilised in food, agriculture, medicine, clothing and much more, hence making them a critically important link in the environmental chain. 

Pakistan has only 2.5 percent of forest cover with an alarming rate of deforestation. The annual rate of deforestation in Pakistan is -2.1 percent, no Asian country has a forest degradation rate higher than this. 

The largest conversions of forest land have taken place in Punjab and Sindh, corresponding to 99,711 acres and 27,874 acres respectively and this is distressing as the government continues with deforestation.

Forests are important in the fight against greenhouse gasses which are impacting climate change. They absorb water and ensure that it is filtered, sustained, and gradually available for consumption. Their degradation does not only impact forest cover ratio of a country, it also leads to real life problems such as soil erosion, damaged watershed areas, leading to pollution in water bodies and endangering water availability in the long term.

A senior lawyer and president of ECO Green Society, Akhtar H Awan, said that he believed that environmental development was one of the key pillars that would achieve sustainability for future generations. He said that the need of the hour was to formulate policies and strategies aiming at sustainable forestry development by adopting holistic and integrated approach to manage forests’ resources.

Forests cover one third of the earth’s land mass, performing vital functions and services around the world which make our planet alive with possibilities. In fact, 1.6 billion people depend on forests for their livelihoods. 

Pakistan being in a region of mountains and glaciatic landscape is more susceptible to climatic changes, obvious examples regarding the fact are the intermittent flash floods and harsh weather conditions, to which forests are the keys to cope with these issues. 

Video showing deforestation in Amazon.

Deforestation in Pakistan

Class VII
The Early Mughals
Date: 30th Jan.-3rd Feb. 2012  

The Early Mughals (Worksheet)

Q1. Illustrate and write a detailed account of battle of Panipat?
Q2. What was Babur’s will and how was it helpful for the coming rulers?
Q3. Describe Humayun’s personality as a ruler.
Q4. Who was Bairam Khan? What is his contribution in the History of Mughals?
Q5. What are the achievements of Sher Shah Suri?

Extension task: -
Q6. Bairam Khan helped Akbar in getting a strong foot-hold in the Subcontinent. Justify.
Read Chapter “Akbar’s Reforms”

Humayun in exile.
·         The Mughal domain came under the control of one of those nobles, Farid Khan Suri, who assumed the regional name of Sher Shah Suri. Humayun would spend the next 15 years in exile in Sind, Iran, and then Afghanistan.
·         During this exile, Humayun's Persian wife, Hamida Begum, a native of Turbat-I Shaykh Jam in Khurasan, gave birth to the future emperor Akbar.
·         After Sher Shah's death on 1545 AD, the kingdom survived for about nine years in the hands of his son, Islam Shah. But Islam Shah's unconciliatory nature alienated many Afghan chieftains.
·         Eventually, the squabbling for succession among Sher Shah's followers allowed Humayun and the Mughals to return to power in 1555 Iran's Shah Tahmasb (1524-76) had provided Humayun with the necessary troops to recapture Kandahar and then Kabul. Unfortunately, less than a year after regaining power, Humayun died unexpectedly at the age of 48 when he fell down the steps of his library with a handful of books while in his haste to obey the muezzin’s call to prayer on 27 January 1556.
Sher Shah Suri
  • Sher Shah Suri was born as Farid Khan and took the name Sher Khan (the Lion King).
  • Sher Shah Suri  was a brilliant strategist and proved himself as a gifted administrator and an able commander.
  • He built the Grand Trunk Road (Sadak-i-Azam), and a network of caravanserais (inns) for travellers.
  • He also planted trees and dug wells. Sher Shah introduced a silver coin rupee called rupiya , as a standard mode of exchange His government also minted gold coins called mohur and copper coins called dam . Sher Shah Suri died from a gunpowder explosion during the siege of Kalinjar fort on May 22, 1545 fighting against the Chandel Rajputs.