Monday 2 April 2012

2nd Apr.-6th Apr. 2012 SST Class 7

The Europeans come to India. (Page 98)

Written task.
Q1, Q2 and Q3 of the worksheet.
 H.W./Extension task:
Q2. Illustrate the three possible routes from Europe to India, on a world map.
The Europeans come to India. (Worksheet)
Q1. What did the Europeans want most from Asia and why?
Q2. Who were the first Europeans to reach India by sea? Who was their commander and what purpose did they  have in their mind for their visit?
Q3. Later other European nations also joined the Portuguese. The main ones were:
a. Dutch.
b. French.
c. British.
Make notes on above countries mentioning their religion, their trading companies and their aims.
a. Give one-word-answer of the following: 
i)        Christopher Columbus discovered this land mass.
ii)      The nationality of the governor Albuquerque.    
iii)    Where is Hormuz located today?
iv)    The religious beliefs of Portuguese.
v)      British East India Company was formed in this year. 
vi)    The European nation which established trading ports at Madras, Surat and Bombay.
b. True or False? Correct the False ones. 
i)        The Dutch and British were Catholics too.
ii)      British had their factories set up at Pondicherry, Mahe and Chadernagar.

iii)    Britain and France continued to be at war in India as well.

iv)    Joseph Dupleix a Frenchman was the governor of Bombay in 1741.
The trouble with fossil fuels (Page 80)
Written task:
Q1, Q2 and Q3 on page 81 of the textbook.
H.W. : Read Chapter “Is solar power the answer?”
Extension task: Q4 on page 81 of the textbook.


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